Saturday, February 2, 2013

Run Free Race

Just finished our first marathon of the year:
RUNFREE 2013: A 26.2 Day Campaign for The Greatest Race That Never Was

Oppa RunFree Style?

It is the greatest race that never was. Why?
Run Free 2013 is the first ever worldwide fake marathon. Participants from around the globe will collaborate on February 2nd, 2013, uploading thousands of photos of an event that never happened.
We formed a team of six and registered online, costing USD100. The race team party pack includes SIX full registrations PLUS limited-edition racing headbands.

Each of us gotten a set of this

Our race results were also posted online. Cool. I finished a marathon in 2hours 42minutes.

Our race results.

Here's our favourite shot. Our winning shot ;)

AJ's winning shot.

Run Free Race 2013

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